In order to obtain the AdBlue and Diesel Emission Fluid (DEF) trademark licences, we must fulfill the guidelines stated in DIN70070 and ISO22241. Every batch of AdBlue / DEF need to be within the specifications of DIN70070 and ISO22241 before it can be packed and sold to any customers. Every batch has its own Certificate of Analysis (COA) to certify that the batch meet the stipulated specifications.
Every 1 – 3 years, the relevant trademark authorities will conduct an renewal audit to ensure that the manufacturer follows DIN70070 and ISO22241. Only upon satisfying the stringent audit process can the manufacturer and channel partners continue to sell AdBlue to their customers.
With so many processes to ensure the quality of Novax AdBlue supplied, it’s no wonder Novax AdBlue is the preferred choice by so many diesel vehicle dealers.